Comment choisir son bateau d'aviron de loisir solo ? Comparaison entre le X Row et le LiteSport 5.0.
Rowing in Paleros resort, Greece - Liteboat X Mark Warner
LiteSport 4.6 and 5.0 - Recreational solo rowing boats for everyone
Leisure winter rowing in the Alps - LiteSport 4.6 and 5.0 recreational rowing boats
LiteSport 5.0 : un bateau d'aviron de loisir accessible à tous, et sur tout plan d'eau
Leisure rowing in paradise: enjoying turquoise waters of Geneva lake on a LiteSport 5.0
LiteQuattro Open Water : un bateau d'aviron innovant et versatile, entre yolette et quatre barré.
LiteQuattro Open Water in Denmark
First 4 LiteQuattro in Australia - Perfect rowing boat for learning, touring & racing!
LiteQuattro Open Water - Boat presentation
Litequattro rudder installation
Hanna taming her new LiteRace 1X in Finland
LiteRace 1X in Holland
Coastal Rowing in Brittany with LiteRace 1X & 2X
LiteRace 1X vs LiteRace 2X - Coastal rowing boat race by Liteboat
Premier stage Liteboat d'aviron de mer - Sainte Maxime
First Liteboat rowing camp in Barneville-Carteret - 3 to 7 april 2017
Go coastal on LiteRace 2X in Sarasota
Coastal Rowing in Brittany with LiteRace 1X & 2X
LiteRace 1X vs LiteRace 2X - Coastal rowing boat race by Liteboat
Premier stage Liteboat d'aviron de mer - Sainte Maxime
First Liteboat rowing camp in Barneville-Carteret - 3 to 7 april 2017
LiteRace 1X & LiteRace 2X
Explorer la Frise Hollandaise en Voile-Aviron – Jour 4
Exploring Friesland with Row & Sail boats – Day 3
Exploring Friesland with Row & Sail boats – Day 2
Explorer la Frise Hollandaise en Voile-Aviron – Jour 1
Row & sail your next adventure : new LiteXP 16 by Liteboat
Une micro-aventure en Bourgogne, en voile aviron avec le XP16
Explorer la Frise Hollandaise en Voile-Aviron – Jour 4
Exploring Friesland with Row & Sail boats – Day 3
Exploring Friesland with Row & Sail boats – Day 2
Explorer la Frise Hollandaise en Voile-Aviron – Jour 1
Owner feedback on the XP20
Race To Alaska 2018 - Voile aviron - Team Liteboat en LiteXP 20
Explorer la Frise Hollandaise en Voile-Aviron – Jour 4
Exploring Friesland with Row & Sail boats – Day 3
Exploring Friesland with Row & Sail boats – Day 2
Explorer la Frise Hollandaise en Voile-Aviron – Jour 1
Liteboat XP days : découvrir le concept de voile-aviron avec le XP16 & XP20
Owner feedback on the XP20
Start rowing at 73 years old - David's testimonial
Learn rowing on vacations - A rowing coach perspective
Rowing in Paleros resort, Greece - Liteboat X Mark Warner
Leisure rowing in paradise: enjoying turquoise waters of Geneva lake on a LiteSport 5.0
Rowing around the island of Vega - Liteboat Norway
Objectif tour du Lac Léman en LiteXP 20 - teaser
How to prepare your row? Learn rowing ep.1
How to get into your rowing boat and set it up? Learn rowing ep.2
How to achieve the right rowing movement? Learn rowing ep.3
How to launch your rowing boat & do your first strokes on water ? Learn rowing ep. 4
How to avoid the most common rowing mistakes ? Learn rowing ep. 5
How to row in a double rowing boat ? Learn rowing ep. 6